The teams from the Health Research Institute (IIS) of the La Fe Hospital in València, led by Dr. Luis Martí Bonmatí , have the PhysioMRI magnetic resonance machine in their facilities.

It is “the first portable MRI machine on the market and is being tested by the center’s professionals who, for their part, are offering all their advances in neural networks and artificial intelligence to enhance the images extracted from this machine.”

“Dr. Martí has ​​a very long history bringing techniques and innovations from the laboratory to clinical practice, so having our system at La Fe Hospital is a privilege that guarantees us being in the best hands we could have, it is a great experience at the service of our machine,” explains Joseba Alonso, CSIC researcher who leads the PhysioMRI project, in a statement.

“Right now that our team is in the IIS La Fe facilities helps us perfect the machine thanks to the neural network and artificial intelligence technology that they put at our service, in addition to the fact that we are beginning to generate clinical evidence in a fundamental hospital environment to certify the machine, a prior step for its certification,” adds Alonso.

The IIS La Fe is a world reference in research and the fact of having the machine tested in its facilities significantly benefits PhysioMRI, which is receiving its artificial intelligence and neural networks technology. This will allow us to offer images of the highest quality with a system that is affordable for any clinic. In addition to its great technological value, La Fe also provides an inexhaustible source of patients and pathologies.

All of this, those responsible for the material emphasize, will allow the potential of the machine to be quantified in very diverse cases, which, together with the artificial intelligence implemented by the IIS La Fe, will improve its performance in very different scenarios.

“The PhysioMRI scanner has unique characteristics, we have never had the possibility of obtaining magnetic resonance images at such a low cost. The machine under current conditions is offering images with sufficient quality to identify anatomical tissues such as bones, muscles, fat, ligament, tendons, etc.”, assesses Dr. Luis Martí, director of the Medical Image Clinic area at Hospital La Fe.

Diagnosis of numerous pathologies

“The image – he continues – still does not have the quality of other systems costing millions of euros, but we think that they already allow the diagnosis of numerous pathologies and we hope that it can be improved even more with the introduction of neural networks and intelligence artificial”.

For his part, Jon Fatelevich, co-founder of PhysioMRI, highlights that the machine is being tested at the IIS of the La Fe Hospital, which “has worldwide recognition and can carry out clinical trials with new radiological devices, something fundamental for our certification process and subsequent commercialization”.

“In the first weeks there they have given us a lot of tremendously useful information about the adaptations that we have to make with respect to the software and the use and inclusion within hospital protocols to be compatible with normal medical practice. Moving from one laboratory to a hospital center means not only that the technology has to be ready, but that you have to be prepared to integrate into all hospital dynamics,” Fatelevich concludes.

The PhysioMRI machine will remain in the La Fe hospital center over the next few weeks to continue this fundamental work to improve its performance and for its certification. In this sense, dozens of interests related to the purchase of the machine have already been collected.


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