The machine is already in the facilities of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), where it has been tested on humans

The emerging company PhysioMRI has developed, together with the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), an innovative magnetic resonance device that reduces the cost of current devices by up to 30 times, with the same diagnostic result. The machine is already in the facilities of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), where it has been tested on humans, and the new scanner has shown ” incredible results and offers professionals a high quality image “, as reported the company. It is a device “that has a couple of steps left to be ready for large-scale commercialization ” and become a great advance in medicine worldwide, which will make Spain “a benchmark in the field of research.” of health and advances in biomedical technology,” they indicate.

The low-field machine costs between 20 and 30 times less than current devices , something that, according to sources, “constitutes a great medical advance that will democratize the use of this important diagnostic equipment and will result in better people’s health.” The objective is that MRI diagnosis can reach all parts of the world and the cost of each test does not exceed 50 euros , when the current average is about 300 euros.

The machine has been developed by a research team led by the director of I3M, José María Benlloch, and which also includes Joseba Alonso , a doctor in atomic physics with extensive experience in research projects worldwide. Within the investment support of PhysioMRI there are references from the world of sports, such as the Olympic champion with Argentina Luis Scola or the silver medalist with Spain in the Olympic Games Fernando San Emeterio who, according to sources, know the applications of the machine and its importance for the health of the athlete and of people in general.


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